Custom Home Construction

New Home Construction In Hadley, Northampton, Belchertown & Holyoke, MA

Many people think that a custom built home is not in their budget. A well designed custom home can be priced better than an existing home and have a monthly expense that will be less than an existing home.


With a custom designed home by Chagnon Building & Remodeling LLC, you will be a part of the design process from beginning to end. This means that in the end you will be able to sit back and admire the choices made by you for your home. Why settle for someone else's choices when you can choose your own cabinets, flooring, bath and kitchen fixtures as well as other options. Your new custom home will reflect your personal style and taste and not someone else's.
All New and Low Maintenance


An existing home may have tired and worn out products that may soon need replacing. Unless you are willing to put in the time and money to upgrade these items, purchasing an existing home could end up being a lot more work than you are willing to take on. A new custom home will have all new products that are under warranty. With new technologies, most of the modern building products are lower on maintenance than their older counterparts.


A new custom home will save energy and costs vs. an existing home. Today's new homes are far more energy efficient. With the code requirements, your new home will be well insulated with high efficiency windows and wall systems. We provide new home build services in Hadley, Northampton, Belchertown & Holyoke, MA & surrounding areas.


A new home will need to meet strict guidelines in indoor air quality and use high performance energy efficient mechanicals as well as state-of-the-art air filtration and ventilation systems.
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